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If your idea of square dancing is limited to what you learned in eighth grade gym class, you are missing out on a great activity.  Modern square dancing involves moving to music, guided by a caller who sings and signals what to do.  In just 12 lessons, you can be out on the floor, kicking up your boots, twirling your skirt or just plain having fun in whatever you are wearing. (No fancy apparel required.) Triangle Squares of Denton has been an active square dance club for more than 40 years and offers lessons for beginners at least twice a year.  The next set of lessons will begin January 10 and run for 12 consecutive Tuesdays from 7- 8:30 pm.  You don't need a partner.  The first two lessons are free so you can try it out before committing.  Cost $60 per person; $30 for children 9 and up attending with parents. 

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