Allen Americans
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In the United States, more than 3.2 million students are victimized by bullying every year. Biscuit the Bulldog, along with his fellow Allen Americans teammates, wants to change that.

Over the past few years, Biscuit has traveled to schools throughout the area to speak to children about real-life bullying situations and how they can handle them. Here are the top five tips our favorite mascot likes to share with students. Share them with your family!

1. When you see something, say something. It’s everyone’s job to speak out against bullying, so you should always report signs of trouble to a trustworthy adult.

2. Talk the problem out. If you see someone else being a bully, talk to them about it. Try to find a kinder solution to whatever problem is occurring.

3. Include everyone. Bullying isn’t just saying mean things or making fun of someone. It can also happen when someone feels excluded from the group. At school, children must make sure that everyone has a chance to make friends and feel included.

4. Show compassion. Hockey players and their fans know that it’s important to have respect for everyone, even if they’re different from you. Show kindness and compassion to everyone you know, regardless of how others treat them.

5. Gather knowledge. The more you know about bullying and solving problems, the better you can treat others. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t know how to deal with an issue. Remember that your teachers and parents are always there to help you understand.

Together, we can help more children have safe, enjoyable experiences with their peers. If you’re interested in having Biscuit the Bulldog visit your school, click here to learn about how you can schedule an assembly.

Don’t forget to give Biscuit a shoutout at one of the Allen Americans’ upcoming games! On February 2, battle the Dark Side at “Star Wars Night” at the Allen Event Center. Fans will have the opportunity to hang out with different Star Wars characters while cheering on the Allen Americans against the Idaho Steelheads. Grab your tickets today. 

Learn more about the Allen Americans’ game schedule, special events, and more by visiting

*Post sponsored by the Allen Americans

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