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It’s that time of year again. The temps may not be falling, but the scent of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and vanilla hangs heavy in homes and retail establishments alike. The tell-tale “Eau de Autumn” conjures up memories and stories for many.

Often the stories center around the blessing that is food and the heaven that is dessert. After all, the holidays are a time when diets are easy to forego and indulging is expected. In addition to all of the savory tastes, like turkey, green bean casserole, mac and cheese and stuffing (or dressing, depending on where you’re from), there is an entire feast of sweets to cap off this amazing experience.

Many families enjoy puddings, cobblers, cakes and pies after Round 1 of the dinner chow down. In the house I grew up in, the king of pie mountain has always been the sweet potato pie. This has been true for a number of my friends as well, and I grew up around an incredibly diverse bunch. I knew of families who served pumpkin pie, and I’d had it before — but tradition is a son of a gun, and I’ve always been #TeamSweetPotato.

Now, in today’s world we gauge the arrival of fall not by the weather (especially not here in Texas) but by the return of Pumpkin Spice-flavored everything. This made me think. Pumpkin Spice reigns supreme, but does the pumpkin pie? After all, similar spices go into both pies. Depending on the recipe, the EXACT same spices are used — it’s just a matter of choosing gourd or root.

So, I asked around to see what others thought, and I’ll be… I’m the odd woman out. Almost everyone I talked to said Pumpkin! Below are just a few of the responses I gathered:

“Of course it’s pumpkin,” Hayden Sprawls, a local marketing sales representative, said.

“Definitely sweet potato. Isn’t that a regional thing, really?” John Nosal, a local web developer said.

“I don’t just like pumpkin pie, I LOVE it!” Daison Lyken, a marketing director and Brooklyn transplant said.

Well, so far it would seem there’s no denying the power of the pumpkin, but I’d love to know what you think. Are you team pumpkin pie or team sweet potato pie? Do you serve both at your holiday table? Let us know in the comments! 

No matter what team you’re on, may your holiday season be filled with joy and fun!


Aisha Willis is a local contributor for