Megan Attwood

ARGYLE, TX - This past week, Camp Summit has hosted a weeklong session for campers who are legally deaf, blind and have a minimum of one additional disability.  Campers have traveled from across Texas to attend this session with funding provided through DARS, Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services.

Even with the severity of their disabilities, 77 campers, ages 8 to over 61, have participated in numerous barrier free, outdoor activities such as swimming, horseback riding, arts & crafts, sports & games and nature studies. Activities have been adapted for the campers’ disabilities, with the focus being on taste, touch and feel. The week will end with a Thursday night dance and another adaption for the campers – the dance will be held on the camp’s wooden deck, with the speakers facing downward to produce vibrations for the campers to “feel” the music.

“The staff at Camp Summit is known for their ability to adapt activities for our campers’ needs,” said Lisa Braziel, Camp Director. “Our weekly dance is always a camper favorite and it’s no different for our campers who are deaf or have hearing impairments.”

Camp Summit is a traditional sleep away camp for children and adults with disabilities. This year Camp Summit will benefit over 2,000 children and adults with developmental delays, physical or sensory impaired disabilities.  Camp Summit offers 11 weeklong summer sessions, 9 weeklong fall sessions, Spring Break, weekends and family camps. All sessions are filled with fun activities, accomplished goals, new experiences and lifelong friendships.

If you are interested in finding our more information about Camp Summit please call 972-484-8900 visit our website at or email for more information.


The mission of Camp Summit is to provide barrier-free outdoor experiences that promote personal growth and foster independence for children and adults with disabilities. Campers may be physically challenged (Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, paralysis, etc.), developmentally delayed/intellectually challenged (Down syndrome, Autism, mental retardation, etc.) or have multiple disabilities ranging from mild to severe.  Camp Summit is a member of the American Camp Association and licensed as a Youth Camp in the State of Texas.

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